Tuesday 1 July 2008

The Moment of Love (part II)

Here is the second couples.. pResents..~~~
Mr. Herri & Ms. Nada

Mr. Ronald & Ms. Riri

Mr. Gerald & Ms. Dita

Mr. Steven & Ms. Stella

Mr. Jordy & Ms. Caroline

Mr. Yoga & Ms. Chelly

Mr. Alvin & Ms. Dhesma

Mr. Aldo & Ms. Margaretha

Mr. Stephen & Ms. Marietta

Mr. Yohanes & Ms. Larasati

Mr. Nofantarius & Ms. Stephanie

Mr. Kevin & Ms. Chrysanty

Mr. Aditya & Ms. Yosephine

Mr. Nofandy & Ms. Tazya

Mr. Lucky & Ms. Amelia

Mr. Andre & Ms. Clara

Mr. Andrianus & Ms. Lea
Captured and Arrange by :
The Image Maker